#1: Re-engineer Business Processes |
Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Released an RFP to acquire an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) solution and developed interim, updated solutions for Budget and Grants to modernize key business applications until a new system is acquired. |
Tax System
Modernization Re-engineered business processes to reduce the average time to receive a refund from 5–8 weeks to 1–2 weeks. Identified uncollected revenue using tax analytics and helped prepare tax system modernization SERVICE Plan and RFP. |
IT Successfully coordinated various stakeholders through the OIMTfacilitated Hawai‘i Health IT Committee (HHITC) to facilitate health information exchanges and modernize health information architecture across agencies and programs. |
Re-engineered Business Processes

Instituted the Transformation Intern Program (TIP) to provide first-hand business and IT experience to 40 interns each semester. Most of the students are local, with strong participation from the University of Hawai‘i. Initiated 12 BPRs, completing 2. |
#2: Modernize IT Infrastructure |
Infrastructure Invested in the upgrade of the State’s network and communications backbone, increasing uptime from below 80% in 2011 to 95% in 2012 and 99.8% in 2013. Increased capacity from 100Mbps to 10Gbps (1000%) |
Enterprise Shared
Services Increased purchase volumes and reduced licensing expenses by as much as 40%–60% statewide, with a cost avoidance of over $4,000,000. |
Enterprise Security
and Privacy Established a fully integrated Security Operations Center (SOC) and Computer Security Incident Response Center (CSIRC). Completed enterprise security assessment across 17 categories and 5 projects. |
Hawaiʻi Broadband
Initiative Improvements to infrastructure for broadband mean connections are now faster, more reliable, and more affordable for residents and businesses and interisland connections have improved. |
#3: Establish Governance |
Published the national award-winning comprehensive State Business and Technology Transformation Plan. Participated in and/or ran nine Governance Boards covering the business and technology transformation portfolio. Developed 17 performance dashboards to openly report on departmental activity, funding, and spending; a Capital Improvement Project (CIP) dashboard to show the amount of CIP funds encumbered; a health IT dashboard; and an IT dashboard.
Open Government
Hawai‘i’s open data portal (Data.Hawaii.gov) published 239 data sets in 2012 and 905 data sets in 2013 to provide residents, analysts, and civic developers with unparalled access to State data. Fully upgraded award-winning hawaii.gov portal, modernized all 18 department websites, launched my.hawaii.gov, a single, “user-friendly-intelligent” Web portal with a service catalog of 101 online services and 63 mobile apps. Launched transparency.hawaii.gov site and app.