Who We Are

The Office of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) provides governance for executive branch IT projects and seeks to identify, prioritize and advance innovative initiatives with the greatest potential to increase efficiency, reduce waste, and improve transparency and accountability in state government. ETS also supports the management and operation of all state agencies by providing effective, efficient, coordinated and cost-beneficial computer and telecommunication services such that state program objectives may be achieved.

In recognition of the pivotal role that technology and innovation hold in Hawaii’s future, the full-time state CIO position was created pursuant to Section 27-43, Hawaii Revised Statutes, which also establishes the IT Steering Committee to assist the CIO in developing the state’s standards and policies.

The Office of Information Management and Technology (OIMT) and the Information and Communication Services Division (ICSD) of the Department of Accounting and General Services, were consolidated into one unified team under the ETS office with the passage and enactment of Senate Bill 2807 SD2 (now Act 58, SLH 2016), effective July 2, 2016.

Chief Information Officer 

State Chief Information Officer (CIO) and administrator of the Office of Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) Christine Maii Sakuda is the State’s first female CIO of Native Hawaiian ancestry.

Sakuda has more than 25 years of experience in leading enterprise-level IT initiatives including leading community IT systems development, managing stakeholder relations, and collaborating with IT vendors to implement a range of technology modernization projects.

Sakuda served as the first executive director of Transform Hawaii Government (THG), a nonprofit organization dedicated to catalyzing the modernization of public services through people, processes, and technology. Prior to THG, she also served as the Executive Director of the Hawaiʻi Health Information Exchange (HHIE), where she led efforts to help healthcare providers implement electronic health records and further implement a statewide health information exchange that enabled local healthcare providers to efficiently and securely share patients’ health information across a network of different medical records systems.

In addition, Sakuda is an Omidyar Fellow, is an Executive Committee Member of the TRUE Initiative and has served as Vice Chair of the State’s Information Technology Steering Committee. A graduate of ‘Iolani School, Sakuda received a Bachelor of Science in Marketing from Santa Clara University and later earned a Japan-focused Executive Master of Business Administration degree from the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa.