IT Budget Request – Form A
Table of Contents

The Biennium and Supplemental Budget requests processing is managed by the Department of Budget and Finance (B&F). ETS assists B&F by reviewing Information Technology (IT) related budget requests.
Departments will coordinate with the ETS ITG Analyst assigned to it for IT spend requests. The names and email addresses for the current ITG Manager and Roadmap Lead are in the IT Spend Request section of this document.
As requested, budget request documentation (B&F Form A & any other supporting information) should be sent to the [email protected] email address. The email subject line should be prefaced with the text “Form A”, the name of the Department”, and a brief description of the IT request.
Guidance is provided by the Director of Finance and Chief Information Officer each year in an Executive Memorandum (EM). In addition to the B&F Form A budget request form, the following information must also be provided to ETS.
- IT Roadmap project name associated with the budget request
- Type project name in B&F Form A section XI (Other Comments)
- Priority ranking of IT related budget requests
- Type IT priority ranking in B&F Form A section XI (Other Comments)
As part of the budget review cycle, all IT-related Form A requests are forwarded from B&F to the CIO for review. The CIO then reviews each IT budget request and provides an “endorsed” or “not endorsed” recommendation to B&F, based on the following analysis:
- Is it adequately described?
- Does it address essential Departmental and/or State needs?
- Is it consistent with IT industry best practices?
- Is it already available or readily attainable via existing programs, services or products?
- Is it reasonable in cost?
The budget request cycle is determined by B&F. Departments generally submit budget requests starting in August or September. CIO reviews the IT related requests by the end of October. B&F then prepares a budget for the Governor to consider in December.
The ETS ITG analyst assigned to work with a department may contact the primary contact for an IT budget request to collect additional information.
Provides guidance for the FY 19 Supplemental Budget and defines ETS’ responsibilities related to IT budget requests.
““All department IT and IRM roadmaps must be updated and budget requests shall be submitted to the CIO as part of the budget submission and review process in compliance with Administrative Directive No. 15-02, dated December 10, 2015, and Act 58, SLH 2016, Section 3 (Sections 27-43(a)(4) and (5), HRS), effective July 2, 2016, and must obtain CIO approval in conjunction with B&F’s recommendation and the Governor’s approval.”
The B&F and ETS forms are found here: