October Is Cyber Security Awareness Month

Posted on Sep 30, 2015 in News, Press Release

Screen Shot 2015-09-30 at 2.39.33 PMHONOLULU – Recognizing the State of Hawaii’s vital role in identifying, protecting and responding to cyber threats, Gov. David Y. Ige has proclaimed October “Cyber Security Awareness Month” in Hawaii.

Hawaii’s observance coincides with National Cyber Security Awareness Month, recognized by President Barack Obama and various public and private sector agencies to encourage all citizens to learn about cyber security and put that knowledge into practice in their homes, schools, workplaces and businesses. To raise public awareness nationwide, the annual Stop.Think.Connect. campaign empowers the American public to take security precautions, understand the consequences of online actions and behaviors, and enjoy the benefits of the Internet.

For example, individuals are urged to connect with care:

  • When in doubt, throw it out — Links in email, tweets, posts and online advertising are often the way cybercriminals compromise computers. If it looks suspicious, even if the source is known, it’s best to delete or, if appropriate, mark as junk email.
  • Get savvy about Wi-Fi hotspots — Limit the type of business conducted and adjust the security settings on devices to better manage who can access machines.
  • Protect your money — When banking and shopping, check to be sure sites are security enabled. Look for web addresses starting with “https://” or “shttps://” indicating that the site takes extra measures to help secure information (“https://” is not secure).

Concern about identity theft ranks slightly higher than fears of job and healthcare loss, according to a 2010 national survey conducted for the National Cyber Security Alliance and Anti-Phishing Working Group. Fifty-four percent of Americans were extremely concerned about loss of personal or financial information. By comparison, 53 percent were concerned about losing their jobs, while 51 percent feared not being able to provide healthcare for their family.

“Maintaining the security of cyberspace is a shared responsibility in which each of us has a critical role to play,” said state Chief Information Officer Todd Nacapuy. “In addition to the importance of protecting personal and other sensitive information, critical infrastructure sectors are increasingly reliant on information systems. The state is doing its part in aligning our cyber security approach with national frameworks and deploying additional security tools and practices to increase protection against network-based threats.”

For additional cyber security resources throughout the month as well as year-round, visit www.stopthinkconnect.org or the state Information and Communication Services Division’s Cyber Security Team webpage at: https://ags.hawaii.gov/icsd/cyber-security

View the proclamation here:

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