Local Tech Talent Shines at Hawaii Annual Code Challenge ‘Demo Day’
Posted on Sep 25, 2017 in Featured, News, Press Release
A team of University of Hawaii students calling themselves “LoveMilkTea” took first place with a “wayfinding” mobile app for the University of Hawaii at Manoa.
2017 Winners Announced
HONOLULU — “Wayfinding” was a winning theme as 20 community teams competed at the 2017 Hawaii Annual Code Challenge (HACC) Judging and Awards (a.k.a., “Demo Day”) last Saturday, Sept. 23, 2017, at East-West Center. A panel of judges led by Gov. David Y. Ige honored top teams for proofs-of-concept and prototype solutions, developed over the month-long state competition, that help individuals navigate the likes of a university campus, Hawaii state law, and even grant data.
“Whether they were winners or not, everyone who participated in the Hawaii Annual Code Challenge was part of improving how state government interacts with and serves the public,” said Gov. Ige, who welcomed participants to the event. “Innovation and the development of our local IT workforce is critical to making government more effective, efficient and open, now and in the future.”
A team of University of Hawaii students calling themselves “LoveMilkTea” took first place with a “wayfinding” mobile app for the University of Hawaii at Manoa, which can often be a daunting maze to new students and campus visitors.
The complete list of winners follows:
- First Place — “LoveMilkTea,” a team of UH students presenting a UH Manoa campus wayfinding mobile app
- Second Place — “FidgetSpinners,” another team of UH students who presented a mobile-friendly, searchable Hawaii Revised Statutes app
- Third Place — “The-Progress-Bars,” a community team presenting a solution for Office of Hawaiian Affairs grant data management
- Top High School Team — “No-Internet,” a team from Waipahu High School presenting a solution to assist the Office of Elections with volunteer scheduling
- Top College Team — “ArchiTechs,” a team presenting another outstanding solution to assist the Office of Elections with volunteer scheduling

Gov. David Ige proclaimed Sept. 23, 2017, “Hawaii Annual Code Challenge Day,” presenting the proclamation to state Chief Information Officer Todd Nacapuy (left) and Hawaii Open Data Executive Director Burt Lum.
In addition, certificates of award were presented to community teams “pcotg-v2” (Peaceful Citizens of the Galaxy, Version 2) and “PoweredByRamen,” as well as high school teams “J.E.S.S.” (Kamehameha School Kapalama), “Na Koa” (Kamehameha School Maui), and “Furious-Five” (Punahou School).
The HACC provides a venue for the state to work together with the tech community to improve how state government engages and serves the public, while also helping to develop the local IT workforce. Conceived by Gov. Ige, the HACC is coordinated by the Office of Enterprise Technology Services in partnership with the Hawaii Technology Development Corporation, local nonprofit Hawaii Open Data, DevLeague, and multiple state departments and agencies that will put forth challenges to community participants for identifying innovative ways to improve government services. For more information, visit: hacc.hawaii.gov
Gov. Ige also proclaimed Sept. 23, 2017, “Hawaii Annual Code Challenge Day,” presenting the proclamation to state Chief Information Officer Todd Nacapuy and Hawaii Open Data Executive Director Burt Lum. The event coincided with “National Day of Civic Hacking,” part of a nationwide effort led by Code for America to encourage individuals with technology skills to work together to show that government can work in the 21st Century.
High-resolution photos from 2017 HACC Demo Day are available for download here:
View the “2017 Hawaii Annual Code Challenge Day” proclamation here:
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Governor to Kick Off Month-Long ‘HACC’ Competition
Media Contact:
Keith DeMello
Senior Communications Manager
Office of Enterprise Technology Services
(808) 586-1866
[email protected]