Governance Test

IT Governance

ETS’ IT Governance (ITG) assists the CIO with developing, implementing, and managing statewide information technology governance. ETS’ IT Governance implements and coordinates the governance process required by the  Administrative Directive No. 18-03 – Program Governance and IV&V Requirements for Enterprise IT Projects. The state’s IT project portfolio governance consists of project phase review gates to ensure project execution and associated expenditures are sufficiently evaluated and receive approval by the appropriate state governing bodies.

The old Form ETS-205, Computer Hardware, Software, or Services Request, was replaced with a workflow enabled by LeanIX, the statewide IT Portfolio Management Tool in September 2021. Refer to section 21.d in the Governor’s Budget Execution Policies. To eliminate duplicate data entry and to improve and unify the statewide IT portfolio management, all IT spend requests shall be initiated in LeanIX and approved using the eSign approval workflow. If a department needs additional LeanIX user accounts or further assistance, please contact your departmental IT coordinator.



IT Project/Procurement Readiness Reviews

ETS Office of IT Governance (ETS ITG) assists the state CIO with developing, implementing, and managing statewide information technology governance. ETS ITG implements and coordinates the governance process required by the Administrative Directive No. 18-03 – Program Governance and IV&V Requirements for Enterprise IT Projects. The state’s IT project portfolio governance consists of project phase review gates to ensure project execution and associated expenditures are sufficiently evaluated and receive approval by the appropriate state governing bodies. The below matrix summarizes the project phase gates and provides guidance documentation to assist the state executive branch departments with their IT-related procurement and projects.

Phase Activity Guiding Documents Deliverables Approvals
Departmental IT Planning
  • Create & maintain the departmental IT plan
  • Review any changes to the departmental IT Plan with ITG
  • IT plan checklist (in progress, check with ETS ITG)
  • Department’s multi-year information technology strategic and tactical plan
IT Roadmapping
  • Review the project’s business value and risks
  • Enter a Project fact sheet in
    LeanIX portfolio management system
  • LeanIX Project fact sheet satisfying roadmap requirements
  • Complete and submit Form A (business case) to Budget & Finance


  • Budget & Finance Form A
  • Form A approval by Budget & Finance
  • Form A endorsed by CIO
  • Budget approval by Legislature
  • Update Project fact sheet in
    LeanIX to satisfy IT Spend Request requirements
  • Project Charter / IT Spend Request (LeanIX Project fact sheet)
  • IT Spend Request approval by CIO
    (Note: IT Spend Requests submitted by Monday EOB will be reviewed in the Spend Request meeting that Wednesday, anything submitted after Monday EOB will be reviewed in the following week’s Spend Request meeting)

(for projects over $1 million)

  • Prepare PAC presentation
  • PAC presentation
  • IT Spend Request approval by PAC
  • Prepare RFP or other procurement vehicle
  • Schedule RFP checklist review with ITG
  • RFP – including IT-specific content
  • RFP approval by CIO
  • BAFO approval by CIO
Contract and Operations
  • Prepare project plan schedule
  • Validate scope of work with vendor
  • Project implementation schedules plan and supporting documentation
  • Quarterly status updates


PC Acquisition Guidelines

ETS Guideline No. 306 – PC Acquisition Guidelines

ETS Guideline No. 306.01 – Recommended PC Specifications

GSA Schedule 70

State Procurement Office (SPO) Procurement Circular No. 2017-06: GSA Schedule 70 Contracts for IT Services Only

GSA IT Schedule 70 instructions (2017.05.17)

SPO-050: Notice of Request to Use GSA Schedule 70 for Purchases/Contracts Exceeding $1,000,000

GSA IT Schedule 70 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Buyers

Telecommunications Request (TR) Form

ETS Telecommunications Request form (AKA “TR” form. AKA ETS-001. Revised 2019.07.01).

Recent changes to the form:

  • 2019.03.25 Now a fillable PDF form
  • 2019.07.01 References to “TSB” or “Telecom Services Branch” are changed to “NB” or “Network Branch”, and the new physical/mailing address is listed
  • 2019.07.01 The form also includes a signature line for the ETS Chief Information Officer, when needed for ETS IT Governance approval

ETS Telecommunications Request form instructions (Revised 2019.07.01)

Clarification in the Process of Ordering Patch Cords/Patch Cables

Purchases of patch cords/patch cables do not require approval from ETS. As such, do not submit a Telecom Request (TR). When ordering patch cords/patch cables, issue Purchase Orders (PO) directly to the vendor. When ordering from Hawaiian Telcom (HT), send the PO to your HT Account Manager.