Meeting Agenda 1.24.13
January 24, 2013, 10:00 AM
Kalanimoku Building
Comptroller’s Conference Room 410
1151 Punchbowl Street
Honolulu, Hawai`i 96813
I. Call to Order
II. Review and Approval of November 21, 2012 minutes
III. Testimony from the Public
IV. Welcome new members
V. CIO Updates
A. Hawaii Broadband Initiative Program (HBI)
B. Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Program
C. Open Data Program Outreach
D. Projects and Acquisitions (Supplemental: FY 13)
E. Hawai’i Digital Government Summit Recap
VI. Executive Session – Public will be excused
A. Deputy CIO – introductions
B. Planned Budget Request (Biennium: FY 14-15)
C. Legislative session 2013
D. IT/IRM Management/Funding
VII. Next meeting
A. Thursday, February 28, 2013
VIII. Adjournment
Individuals who require special needs accommodation are invited to call
Debra Gagne at (808) 586-1930 x534 at least 4 working days in advance of the meeting.